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Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031) by Charles Reginald Haines
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Elvira--Irenaeus--Persecutions--Martyrs--Council of Elvira--Council of
Nice--Number of Christians--Paganism
proscribed--Julian--Arianism--Ulphilas--Conversion of
barbarians--Degeneracy of religion--Priscillian--His heresy
condemned--Priscillian burnt--Paganism, in Spain--The Gothic
Government--Church and State--Power of king--Election of
bishops--Arianism of Goths--Ermenegild--Bigotry in
Spain--Jews--Influence of clergy--Of the pope 1-11


Period of Gothic rule--Degeneracy of Goths--Causes of their
fall--Battle of Guadalete--Resistance of towns--Theodomir--Remnant in
the North--Mohammedanism--Its rise and progress--Reduction of
Africa--Siege of Constantinople--Attacks on Spain--Tarif--Arabs in
Gaul--Anarchy in Spain--Christians in the North--Clemency of the
Arabs--Treaties--Conquest easy--Rhapsodies of
Isidore--Slaves--Jews--Impartiality of Arab governors--Khalifate
established--Feuds of Arabs and Berbers--Revolt of Berbers--Syrian
Arabs--Settlement of Arabs--Effect of Berber wars 11-25


Landing of Abdurrahman--Khalifate of Cordova--Condition of
Christians--Proselytism--Apostates--Arabs and Spaniards--Evidence of
Christian writers--Condition of the people--Serfs--No revolts--No
solidarity with the Christians in the North--Relations with Arabs at
first friendly--The jehad in Spain--Martyrs in battle--Fabulous
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